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Biden Approves New Section of Border

By Ryan Gildersleeve


President Joe Biden is waiving 26+ federal laws and ordering the construction of 21 miles of additional border wall coverage this morning after experiencing record highs in recorded illegal immigration.

Up until this point it is being reported that an estimated 245,000 illegal entries have occurred in this previous fiscal year alone within the Rio Grande Valley Sector, an area containing 21 Texan counties.

The Department of Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas stated in notice regarding the construction, “There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States.”

The Biden Administration has not been one to warm up to illegal immigration control up till now, going as far as suing the State of Arizona back in December for creating their own version of a border wall, also suing Texas this June for using a floating-wall to secure their borders.

Up until this point it is being reported that an estimated 245,000 illegal entries have occurred in this previous fiscal year (Image from Wix)

Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, said in a statement, “After years of denying that a border wall and other physical barriers are effective, the DHS announcement represents a sea change in the administration’s thinking: A secure wall is an effective tool for maintaining control of our borders… Having made that concession, the administration needs to immediately begin construction of wall across the border to prevent the illegal traffic from simply moving to other areas of the border.”


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